
The Redwoods Group


Love, Serve, Transform is not a piece of language you'd normally associate with the insurance industry. But Redwoods is not your typical insurance company.

Founded for the explicit purpose of preventing child sexual abuse and drowning deaths*—and using business as a powerful force for social change—Redwoods provides insurance, consulting, training and crisis management services to youth-serving organizations like YMCAs, JCCs, Camps and Boys and Girls Clubs. Along the way, they are never afraid to call out injustices or champion innovation.

The Change has been working with Redwoods on everything from annual reports to keynote speeches, from marketing brochures to holiday messages, and from t-shirts to online trainings and infographics. At every step of the way, our goal has been to create a platform for the kinds of real, authentic, human communications that are naturally a part of Redwoods' culture.

*Be sure to ask us about the race and civil rights implications of drowning deaths in the US. It is a depressing reminder of how injustice has an inevitable ripple effect that can last for decades.